Category: Alpine Academy Utah Complaints

Addressing Attention Deficits and Social Skills in Teenagers: Navigating the Impact of ADD/ADHD and ASD Level 1

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, teenagers face numerous challenges in their academic and social lives. Among these challenges, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 (ASD Level 1), previously known as Asperger’s Syndrome, stand out for their significant impact on an individual’s ability to interact socially and perform academically. This exploration from Alpine Academy of Utah Complaints delves into how ADD/ADHD and ASD Level 1 can affect teenagers, offering insights into their social interactions, academic performance, and strategies for improvement.

Understanding ADD/ADHD and ASD Level 1

ADD/ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. Teenagers with ADD/ADHD may struggle with organizing tasks, staying focused on schoolwork, following instructions, and managing their time effectively.

ASD Level 1, on the other hand, affects communication and behavior, leading to difficulties in social interactions, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors. Teenagers with ASD Level 1 may find it challenging to understand social cues, maintain friendships, and engage in group activities.

Both ADD/ADHD and ASD Level 1 may have profound effects on a teenager’s life, particularly in social and academic settings. However, with the proper support and strategies, individuals with these conditions can achieve success and lead fulfilling lives.

Social Interactions

Teenagers with ADD/ADHD may be perceived as disruptive or disinterested due to their difficulty in controlling impulses and staying focused during conversations. They might interrupt others, have trouble waiting their turn, or drift off in the middle of social exchanges. On the other hand, teenagers with ASD Level 1 can often struggle with understanding sarcasm, non-literal language, and non-verbal communication cues such as facial expressions and body language. These challenges can lead to social isolation and difficulties in forming and maintaining friendships.

Strategies for Improvement

  • Social Skills Training: Programs that offer structured lessons on social interactions can be beneficial. These might include role-playing, social stories, and feedback sessions to help teenagers understand and practice appropriate social behaviors.
  • Peer Mentoring: Pairing up teenagers with ADD/ADHD or ASD Level 1 with peers who understand them can foster healthy social connections and provide models for appropriate social behavior.
  • Structured Social Activities: Participating in structured activities or clubs that align with the teenager’s interests can provide a more predictable and less stressful environment for social interaction.

Academic Performance

Teenagers with ADD/ADHD often face challenges in academic settings due to difficulties with concentration, organization, and completing tasks on time. These challenges can result in lower grades, missed assignments, and increased frustration. Teenagers with ASD Level 1 may excel in certain academic areas, especially those that match their interests. However, they might struggle with subjects that require strong verbal communication skills or understanding of abstract concepts.

Strategies for Improvement

  • Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 Plans: These plans can provide accommodations tailored to the teenager’s specific needs, such as extended time on tests, breaks during class, or the use of technology aids.
  • Organizational Skills Training: Teaching teenagers strategies for organizing their work, managing their time, and planning ahead can significantly impact their academic performance.
  • Tutoring and Support Services: Extra help after school or utilizing specialized tutoring can help with addressing specific academic challenges and providing strategies for learning effectively.

Emotional Support and Self-Understanding

Addressing the emotional needs of teenagers with ADD/ADHD and ASD Level 1 is crucial. These individuals may experience frustration, low self-esteem, and anxiety due to their challenges. It’s essential for parents, educators, and therapists to provide support and foster an environment where these teenagers feel valued and understood.

Strategies for Improvement

  • Counseling and Therapy: Professional support can help teenagers understand their feelings, develop coping strategies, and build self-esteem.
  • Parent and Educator Support: Training parents and educators on the unique challenges faced by teenagers with ADD/ADHD and ASD Level 1 can lead to more supportive home and school environments.
  • Self-Advocacy: Encouraging teenagers to communicate their needs and preferences can empower them to take an active role in their education and social interactions.

Navigating the complexities of ADD/ADHD and ASD Level 1 requires understanding, patience, and tailored strategies that serve to support teenagers in their social and academic lives. By addressing these challenges head-on and fostering an environment of acceptance and support, parents, educators, and therapists can help teenagers with ADD/ADHD and ASD Level 1 achieve their full potential and go on to lead fulfilling lives. The journey might be fraught with challenges, but with the right support system, the path to success is within reach.

Embracing the Teaching-Family Model

Alpine Academy Utah

Healing. Growth. Education. Family.

The Teaching-Family Model approach continues to serve as a guiding light to many young lives. Distinguished by a commitment to creating and nurturing a family environment for students, by providing individualized and strength-based treatment that has changed countless lives for the better.

But what makes this model exceptional? The answer lies in its history and essence; find out how Alpine Academy Utah applies this life-changing approach to education.

The Roots of the Teaching-Family Model

In the 1960s, Dr. Montrose Wolf, an acclaimed psychologist, spearheaded a special joint project with the University of Kansas and the National Institute of Mental Health. As an expert in applied behavior analysis, he had a theory that married couples were the key to helping troubled children.

He believed that by living together and replicating a family-life setting, the couple would serve as role models who could encourage healthy development in the children.

To put his theory to the test, he trained the first ever “family teachers” or “teaching parents”, married couple Lonnie and Elaine Phillips. Lonnie was a graduate student working with mentally challenged children while Elaine was a preschool teacher.

After training, Dr. Wolf had the couple live with six teenage boys who were juvenile delinquents. It didn’t take long before improvement in the boys was observed – they displayed good behavior, their communication skills significantly improved, and they were able to reunite with their families.

In short, Dr. Wolf proved his theory right – and the Teaching-Family Model was born.

Nurturing Connections: The Heart of the Teaching-Family Approach

Today, this approach is standard when it comes to dealing with children with behavioral needs. The key principles of the model are as follows:

  • Humane Practices: Participants can anticipate receiving ethical, compassionate, and humane treatment.
  • Individualized Approach: Guided by a core foundation, this approach is adaptable; caretakers tailor the treatments to cater to the unique needs of every participant.
  • Trauma-Informed Approach: Caregivers acknowledge the trauma of each child and helps them cultivate effective coping mechanisms.
  • Emphasis on Quality Assurance: Quality assurance is topmost priority – student progress and feedback are regularly reviewed to allow necessary adjustments.
Alpine Academy Utah

Bridging Theory and Practice

Not only is Alpine Academy nationally certified for Teaching-Family Model implementation but is also the recipient of Cognia’s highest honor, the School of Distinction. Alpine is the only private treatment center in the world to receive such distinction.

Driven by this family-centric approach to healing and education, Alpine Academy only has well-trained and dedicated staff to implement the approach and create a nurturing environment for all students. The school also believes in non-physical interventions and on-site support is available 24/7, so students can expect a safe, effective, and empowering treatment all throughout.

Alpine Academy Therapeutic School has revolutionized therapeutic care through long-term successful implementation of the Teaching-Family Model. Their steadfast dedication to the Teaching-Family Model has truly revolutionized therapeutic care, establishing the residential program as a beacon of hope and transformation for young lives yearning for positive change.

The Impact of Family Involvement in Residential Therapy Programs for Teens

Alpine Academy Utah

Not long ago, families were largely kept out of the residential treatment for loved ones.

They were seen as a distraction or even detrimental, especially when it’s a child who is going through residential therapy. Often, families were seen as being the source of the problem, not part of the solution.

Fortunately, Alpine Academy Utah reports that times have changed. While many consider addiction a family disease since it impacts entire families, it is only recently that families have been seen as integral to successful residential therapy programs.

Often, involving supportive and loving families in treatment can make all the difference.

The Importance of Family

Families can offer insight into the behavior and unique needs of the person seeking treatment. Families also happen to be impacted in a range of different but specific ways, including emotionally and physically.
Understanding how a teenager’s behavior is exactly impacting a family can help guide elements of residential therapy.

Familial involvement makes an impact even before a teen enters therapy. Families can provide a wealth of information about the nature of a child’s behavior that is concerning. Therapists can learn whether different types of therapies have been attempted.

According to the experts at American Association of Children’s Residential Centers, family involvement is now a necessity when treating teens in residential care. In fact, many residential treatment programs have been developed to focus on care that is driven by these relationships — which in turn, strengthens the family bond.

Families Welcome

Families are a consistent presence at our facility, where family-focused treatments include monthly visits and quarterly workshops. Family therapy sessions, coaching, and other family-centric activities are included.

Such involvement is quickly becoming standard for teens in residential therapy programs. Studies show that residential treatment centers find that family-centered therapy leads to more positive outcomes since all family members have learned new skills to support a child, sister, or brother and communicate better.

Alpine Academy Utah

Relatives who participate in residential therapy programs are usually dedicated to success during treatment and are active in developing a post-treatment plan as well. In fact, one study found that the best predictor of recovery is whether families were involved with the process.

Increasingly active within addiction recovery, families can learn how to establish boundaries that are healthy and get recommended community networks to provide support post-treatment.

Teens participating in residential therapy programs have a range of needs — medical, behavioral, social, emotional, and educational. The bonds of the family unit are the largest source of support for the large majority of a patient’s needs.

Setting Up Success

Education for families is now a common goal for overall treatment. In doing so, families can learn more about the complex nature of addiction and co-dependency as well as work on communication skills needed to build (or rebuild) a positive relationship with a child, and ways children must care for themselves even if they have a support system.

It’s not just that residential therapy programs want families to participate in the treatment process. It’s that they need them to ensure positive outcomes throughout every treatment milestone.

Navigating Transition – Empowering Residential Therapy Students for Future Success

Alpine Academy Utah Complaints

For adolescents facing emotional and behavioral difficulties, residential therapy programs can be a lifesaver.

But what happens when the program ends, and it’s time to return home?

The key to long-term success lies in creating an effective transition plan.

Alpine Academy Utah Complaints examines the advantages of residential therapy, the key components of planning for a residential program stay, the avenues of family involvement, the available support systems and resources, the necessary aftercare services, and school’s essential role during the transition process.

Why Transition Planning Matters

Residential therapy students often face unique obstacles on the path to recovery and self-discovery. One major hurdle may be transitioning from the highly structured environment of a residential program to the less regulated world outside. Students may struggle with maintaining newfound coping mechanisms or feel overwhelmed by the expectations placed upon them, leading to a potential relapse into old behaviors.

Effective transition planning can make all the difference in returning to daily life after leaving a residential program. By setting goals and outlining necessary steps for achievement, students feel more empowered and confident in their ability to maintain their progress.

Furthermore, a well-crafted transition plan helps prevent feelings of isolation or abandonment that often follow after leaving residential programs by providing students with an organized roadmap for success.

What Makes a Transition Plan Effective

An effective transition plan must include several essential elements: specific goals tailored to each individual’s needs, a comprehensive outline of the steps and resources necessary for achievement, and regular progress monitoring and adjustment. It is essential that students participate in this planning process, which can help in gaining their buy-in and commitment.


Family involvement is essential to the success of a transition plan. By actively taking part in the preparation and providing ongoing support, families can help their loved ones continue their progress. This includes creating a supportive home environment, encouraging open communication, and helping with practical matters like arranging necessary services.


There are a wealth of resources and support services available to students and families during the changeover process. These include educational consultants, therapists, support groups, online forums, and informational websites. Organizations like the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs (NATSAP) provide invaluable guidance on best practices for those moving away from residential therapy.

A comprehensive transition plan should also include aftercare services, which offer crucial support to students as they reintegrate into their communities.

A 2010 study published in the journal Administration and Policy in Mental Health found that adolescents who received support services following residential treatment were significantly less likely to experience rehospitalization. These services can include ongoing therapy, support groups, and mentorship programs, all designed to reinforce skillsets acquired during residential therapy.

Alpine Academy Utah Complaints

School and Community

Schools play an essential role in aiding students during their transition from residential therapy to academic life. Reintegration at school can be challenging, as students must adjust to a new social setting, catch up on missed coursework, and manage academic stressors while maintaining their mental and emotional well-being.

A 2018 study published in the Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry found that half of the students interviewed reported serious obstacles to their transition to a traditional school, with issues including emotional distress, academic pressure, and difficulty handling social situations.

To support these students, schools should collaborate with families and therapists to create an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan that meets their specific needs. This may include accommodations, such as modified schedules, additional support services, or specialized instruction, to make the transition back to the classroom easier. Furthermore, schools must offer ongoing communication and encouragement.

Establishing a supportive community is another essential aspect of the change. Students who have undergone residential therapy can feel more understood and supported during their reintegration if they feel connected to their peers, families, and educators. Additionally, encouraging participation in extracurricular activities, clubs, and community events helps students build positive connections that reduce feelings of isolation or stigmatization.


Transitioning from residential therapy back into everyday life can be a challenge, but with careful planning and the right support, students can build upon their progress and continue to flourish.

Creating an extensive transition plan that involves family and other support systems, utilizing available resources, including aftercare services, connecting with schools, and creating an encouraging community around them will enable students to successfully navigate this crucial phase and lay the groundwork for a fulfilling, healthy future.

How to Make Moving Easier for a Teenager

The teen years are some of the most challenging yet important years of an adolescent’s life. It’s a time of transition and self-discovery as they explore their identity and figure out who they are or want to be. During this time, uprooting a teenager and moving them to a new town can be incredibly difficult as it forces them to make new friends and form a new community.

Fortunately, though, teens are pretty resilient and can quickly settle into a new school with just a few proactive steps. This post is part of the series on teen objections called Alpine Academy Utah Complaints and will explore some of the things that parents can do to encourage their teenagers and make their transition into a new town smoother. Although it may seem daunting at first, moving can be an excellent learning experience that propels their growth.

Alpine Academy Utah Complaints about moving

Encourage Teens to Take Up Extracurriculars

By the time children are teenagers, they usually have set friend groups that make it difficult for new students to find a community. This is especially true if a new student is particularly shy. However, encouraging a teen to try new things can push them to make new friends. If they try out for extracurricular activities, sports, or clubs, they can get involved in the community.

The more friends they make, the more comfortable they’ll feel living in a new town and the sooner they’ll settle into their new school. If they enjoyed any extracurricular activities at their old school, getting involved in a new town will also help restore a sense of normalcy after the move.

Encourage Teens to Be Open and Honest

Moving can be incredibly stressful for teens. They may experience depression or anxiety over leaving their friends, activities, and life behind. Without strong emotional ties or social connections in a new community, they may also feel isolated. It’s important to speak directly and honestly with teens after a major move, especially if they are struggling in the first few weeks.

It can be difficult for teens to talk openly with their parents, but there are some things that can be done to encourage communication. Setting aside regular times for conversation, such as at the dinner table, during a walk, or before bed creates an environment where a teen can feel comfortable speaking openly without judgment.

Alpine Academy Utah Complaints by teens

Help Teens Stay Connected with Old Friends

The less cut-off a teen feels, the easier the move will be. Fortunately, modern technology means teens no longer have to say goodbye to their old friends. Helping a teen stay in touch with their old classmates and friends after moving will help elevate some of their stress and loneliness. Let them call or text as much as they like (within reason) and set up meetups if possible.

Final Thoughts

It’s important to treat teenagers like adults. They are old enough to think for themselves and make their own connections. Yet, it’s just as important to push them to try new things and make new friends after a move. Encouraging them to be open and honest, try out for extracurriculars, and stay in touch with their old friends will ease the transition and make moving far less stressful.

The Teaching-Family Model

Alpine Academy Utah Complaints kids in group

When it comes to creating the best future for children, so much is dependent upon the environment in which they are raised. Interaction with their parents informs how they talk to others, understand themselves, and mature as adults. If children lack the necessary interpersonal skills they should have learned in infancy, they will face more severe problems in the future. 

The Teaching-Family Model offered at Alpine Academy aims to address various behavioral and emotional problems families face to improve their lives and provide the tools needed for success. At Alpine Academy Utah complaints that students have suffered with for years are often reduced in severity upon entering this new environment. This trauma-informed behavioral intervention focuses on positive feedback and can help kids with a wide range of issues. But does this method work? 

We’re sharing a detailed report on the Teaching-Family model below.

Teaching-Family Model’s Research-Based Approach

The Teaching-Family Model, also known as TFM, was one of the first-ever evidence-based programs in human services. It has innovated and grown over the last 50 years to be one of the best programs for providing individualized treatment to families. 

The basic principle of the program is based on research collected from hundreds of hours of data. It shows that people learn by imitating others, particularly their role models. With that in mind, researchers proved that by having role models show specific, positive behaviors, children would mirror the positive behavior. This means that rather than teaching children how to act, it’s about teaching parents and role models how to present themselves to children. 

Some programs will function as short, home-based interventions. This might be 6-10 weeks with a practitioner in the home teaching the parents. Others will be long-term residential care facilities for the children. It will depend on the needs of the family, the duration, and the level of intervention. 

TFM is not limited to parents and family units. It can also be used with teachers, coaches, doctors, and more. Anyone who spends time with children can learn how to set an example for children through this model. 

Teaching-Family Model Brings Proven Benefits 

Researchers continue to study the program and improve TFM’s practices. However, these are the benefits most often noted by experts and collected through published research. 

Improved Mental Health

For those who have dealt with trauma or have developmental disabilities, one problem often cited by mental health professionals is the difficulty to process and share emotions. Additionally, expressing those emotions and communicating effectively can be a sticking point. 

The TFM provides a blueprint for honest conversations. This helps families have open discussions about their mental state and instructs people to address their feelings. Young ones get the guidance they need, and parents can take the time to help themselves and model good mental health practices. 

Less Restrictive Living

Although most programs for children are applied in restrictive environments, TFM experiments have shown success with children in the least restrictive settings available. The level of restrictiveness depends on each family’s case.

The method relies on modeling, which means more restrictive environments don’t necessarily provide proper modeled behavior. Families also report more stress in restrictive spaces, and this may inhibit progress within a family unit. TFM has the structure that many need, but without excessive restrictions. 

Alpine Academy Utah Complaints three students

Reuniting Families

There are alternative methods to TFM that show success with children. However, these may involve separating children from their families for treatment. Experts observe that separation can cause additional trauma whereas reunification is often a source of healing. For many professionals, reunification is a top priority. 

By enacting the TFM with parents and children, families can create a safe environment for reunification. Once reunited, the strategies and tools provided by the TFM should continue to keep a living situation safe for everyone in the home. 

Personalized Plans Available

Psychological research shows that children do not only imitate their parents. While parents may have the most opportunities to influence behavior, anyone can apply the principles of TFM and model healthy behavior for other people around them. 

Because of the flexibility and potential to be used by anyone for any child, the method is seeing a growth in popularity even outside industry professionals. Just as anyone can apply the principles, the strategies can help children from a wide range of backgrounds. 

Teaching-Family Model Target Demographic

There isn’t just one population that benefits from this model. Examples of those who have benefited from the program include those who are:

  • Neglected
  • Abused
  • At-Risk
  • In the Foster Care System
  • Juvenile Delinquents
  • Developmentally Disabled
  • Severely Emotionally Disturbed.

While the strategies and principles of the method are highly adaptable, it is recommended that families in severe cases partner with accredited Teaching-Family Model programs. Industry professionals can best assess the situation and provide support. 

Final Thoughts

According to Teaching-Family Model practitioners, healing trauma doesn’t start with children; it begins with their role models. And with the success that the Teaching-Family Model has seen, this principle appears to be true. With so many benefits and a record for success, TFM programs are reuniting families and improving the lives of children, no matter what they face. 

How Sports Can Positively Influence Teen Development

Alpine Academy Utah Complaints Basketball

Alpine Academy in Utah works to help troubled teens by providing them with a well-rounded experience that includes schooling, therapy, recreational activities and more. Alpine Academy understands that teens have complaints about entering the program because they fear the unknown and may be resistant to making positive changes. The experts at Alpine Academy are prepared to address those complaints and make positive, lasting changes in the lives of all students. One of the best ways to improve the outlook of a teen is to get them involved in sports that they love. Today, Alpine Academy in Utah will look at the many benefits of organized sports in teen development.

So much of changing the direction of a teen’s future is about improving their mood. Physical activity provides a natural boost of serotonin and gives direction to those who are feeling lost. The health benefits of organized sports cannot be understated. Teens involved in organized sports are one-tenth as likely to develop obesity. This in turn helps lower the risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and more.

Members of Alpine Academy in Utah play sports for the love of the game. A lot of teens quit organized sports by the time they reach high school because they are not selected to start in their preferred sport. Being a player on the bench is not an easy thing for a teenager. It’s obviously not as fun as playing and it often comes with feelings of doubt or lack of self-worth. Everyone who wants to play gets a chance to play at Alpine Academy. The idea behind incorporating sports is to not only build skills on the court or playing field but build communication skills as well.

While everyone gets a chance to play, there’s naturally a competitive nature that comes from sports. Just like in life, there will be adversity to overcome. Teens can learn great lessons both in success and in failure when playing sports. The lessons learned during play can be reviewed in therapy and help unlock a lot of opportunities for growth. Team sports provide teens with a wonderful opportunity to form friendships that can last a lifetime. The hardest part of forming relationships is breaking the ice. By playing organized sports, there’s a common theme that allows teens to come together via a shared interest. Sports like basketball also require a level of communication in order to be successful. Growing as a communicator is essential to boosting self-esteem. People want to be heard and deserve to be heard. Not everyone has the easiest time making their voice heard and sports provide a great place to practice communicative skills.

Warning Signs of a Troubled Teenager

Alpine Academy Utah Complaints Teenager

Alpine Academy is a unique therapeutic school that helps troubled teens get back on track. Being a parent or a teenager in the modern world is no easy task. It’s important for both parents and their children who are struggling to know that regardless of their current circumstances, there’s hope around the corner. Alpine Academy hears complaints from parents routinely that they wish they noticed the warning signs of trouble earlier. Today, Alpine Academy will look at some different things parents and loved ones can look out for to see if their teen may be a candidate for help from Alpine Academy in Utah.

There is a delicate balance between typical teen behavior and damaging teen behavior. For instance, as teens grow into adulthood, they are going to naturally be on a bit of an emotional roller coaster. Just like anyone else, they will have good days and bad days and experience swings in their moods. Small tweaks to appearance or a slight increase in push back to authority figures are common teen behaviors that can be addressed and moved on from rather easily.

Red flags appear when rather drastic changes in behavior are made. Teens who switch to an entirely different peer group who are having a negative influence on their behavior are on a dangerous path. Weight fluctuation in teens is normal, but if a teen either puts on an excessive amount of weight or loses an excessive amount of weight, there could be a much more serious problem afoot. Parents and loved ones must also stay on the lookout for an increase in secretive behavior or lying. Trust is everything in any relationship and teens must be held accountable for their words.

Other common warning signs of a troubled teen include:

  • Excessively Sleeping
  • Addiction to Technology
  • Plummeting Grades in School
  • Sexual Promiscuity
  • Disregard for Personal Hygiene
  • Skipping School
  • Bullying

All of these warning signs are acts of desperation from a teen. Whether or not they are consciously acting out as a means of asking for help, it’s what these behavioral issues represent. All warning signs listed above are also indicators of potential mental health issues like anxiety and depression. The sooner parents can identify warning signs, the sooner they can provide their teen with the special assistance they need. No warning signs are a life sentence. Alpine Academy in Utah has a track record of helping teens unlock their potential by finding healthier ways to cope and discovering healthy passions in life.

Who Is a Typical Student of Alpine Academy?

Alpine Academy Utah complaints

At Alpine Academy Utah, we work with teenage and adolescent students from all different walks of life. However, they all have a unifying factor in common — the need for a therapeutic approach due to various traumas and conditions.  

Whether your child is struggling with a learning disability, suffers from conditions like depression or anxiety, or is recovering from severe trauma, they should be able to find the care, attention, and education they need at this school. Regardless, our educators have the skills and training to provide them with a customized learning environment to help them succeed.

As the parent of a student with therapeutic needs, you undoubtedly have concerns about whether Alpine Academy can address various complaints and if is the right environment for your child. To help you with your decision, let’s look at what a typical student of the school is like.

What Sort of Therapeutic Needs Are Common for Our Students?

Our students face various challenges for which they require therapeutic approaches. Here are some of the most common situations our students are seeking help with.


Teenagers with any form of depression, mood disorder, or bipolar disorder are going to find a stimulating environment at Alpine. Through thorough evaluations, we develop customized treatment plans and help them succeed in everyday life. 


We work with many students who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and other related conditions like social phobias, eating disorders, and obsessive-compulsive ​tendencies.  


Students recovering from a traumatic experience such as neglect, abuse, or loss may find the care they need at our school. Our experts help them not only identify the source of their trauma but also help them develop healthy coping mechanisms. 

Learning Disabilities

Students with learning differences, especially attention deficit disorders like ADD and ADHD, are excellent candidates for the therapeutic techniques at the Academy.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Teenagers and adolescents on the autism spectrum can find the tools they need to succeed in their educations right here with our devoted staff of teachers.

Personality Disorders

Alpine Academy is a caring and nurturing environment for students struggling with conditions like borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, and narcissistic personality disorder.

Relationship Problems

Students who have strained relationships with their family members or peers, including but not limited to attachment disorders, can see improvements from our therapeutic methodologies.

What Kind of Behaviors or Coping Mechanisms Do Our Typical Students Exhibit?

Most of our students have engaged in some form of potentially unhealthy or destructive behavioral pattern or coping mechanism due to their unique needs. Here are some of the most common behaviors we see manifest in our students.

Social isolation or withdrawal is prevalent amongst the adolescents we work with. This symptom may manifest as a lack of interest in communicating with family members and friends, having difficulties maintaining long-term friendships, or leaving home without parental authorization for long periods. They may also struggle to remain honest in communication with friends and family.

Many of our students have a history of academic challenges. Poor academic performance or a refusal to attend school or work on academic tasks is not uncommon among the teenagers we work with. They may even have significant difficulties when it comes to respecting authority figures or following directions.

Other common manifestations include angry or aggressive behavior, a lack of interest in activities that normally bring them joy, as well as self-harm and suicidal ideation.

How Can Alpine Academy Utah Help?

As an education center focused on providing services to teenagers and adolescents with therapeutic needs, we can help your student grow and succeed through a variety of different methodologies. In addition to academic instruction, we will also give your child the therapeutic attention they need to progress. 

Our therapeutic teaching methodology is based on the Teaching-Family Model and supplemented through various clinical strategies. Weekly therapy sessions on an individual basis with a licensed professional start the day your child is enrolled and have shown positive results with the vast majority of our students. We also offer group and family therapy sessions for students that stand to benefit from these techniques.

In addition to these therapeutic methods, we also offer clinical psychiatric care for our students through the University of Utah’s Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. These two programs work in conjunction to provide the most effective care for all of our students.

See If the School Is Right for Your Family 

As you can see, Alpine Academy Utah is the perfect learning environment for teenagers and adolescents with all sorts of therapeutic needs. No matter what daily struggles your student is facing, they can find the encouragement and proper education they need right here. Feel free to contact us via our website for more information.

What Are Benefits of Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy?

Alpine Academy is known for offering equine-assisted psychotherapy (EAP) for students in individual and group sessions. Equine-assisted activities are seen as a worthwhile therapeutic approach for teens, children, families, and groups is because of many conditions and disorders respond well to it. According to Alpine Academy in Utah, abuse of substances, behavioral disorders, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and a variety of other conditions can be managed with EAP and assistance when combined with help from certified counselors. Alpine Academy realizes that many are not aware of the many ways that equine-assisted therapy can help children and teens. Here, Alpine Academy in Utah reviews just a few of its benefits.

Contributes to Stress Relief

People that are suffering from mental health problems or any of life’s obstacles may find it difficult to relax and clear their minds. Day-to-day stressors exist for us all, and it can be great for stress management to have the ability to take a step back and relax. Equine-assisted psychotherapy is cited as a process that is great for stress relief. One of the reasons for this is because riding and caring for a horse requires concentration. This means that your concentration on your horse may prevent you from dwelling on what is causing your stress or anxiety. Addressing our worries can be made easier when we can enjoy our time and find clarity.

Improves Communication Skills

Alpine Academy in Utah realizes that communication skills (verbal and non-verbal) are important to learn as they paint so many of our interactions with others. When we find it difficult to communicate, things can get lost in translation, situations can escalate, and it may limit our ability to have fruitful conversations. Equine-assisted psychotherapy is a great activity for individuals that need to hone communication skills for several reasons. Horses cannot be controlled by purely physical means, which means that riders must work on building trust through communication. Horses respond well to non-verbal cues as well, which can be helpful for people that are not up to talking or want to build skills in non-verbal communication.

Horses may not be able to speak in the traditional sense, but they are great communicators

Increases Self-Esteem

Teens that are experiencing low self-esteem may benefit from working with animals. This is because animals cannot criticize, mock, or accidentally make an offensive off-hand comment that may hurt feelings. Riding and caring for horses well reflect the work that you have put into it. For some individuals participating in EAP, riding boosts self-esteem because it produces a sense of pride and accomplishment. Riding a horse requires building a relationship founded on trust and respect. This can require work, and people who are willing to see it through are able to see the value of their hard work. According to Alpine Academy in Utah, complaints that we have about ourselves are often made more manageable as we take positive energy from EAP and apply it to obstacles that we face in our lives.

Builds Empathy

Empathy is an important trait to develop in our teen years because it helps us realize that there is a lasting impact to what we do or say to others. Equine therapy is seen as an excellent tool for honing empathy because of the relationship that is built with horses when we ride and care for them. As touched on before, horses cannot talk or share their feelings in a traditional verbal sense, but they are still adept at giving us clues as to what they are thinking. This may be emotions such as happiness or excitement or less than pleasant emotions such as fear, hesitancy, or anger. The rapport that we build with horses during equine assisted therapy keeps us in tune with the emotions that they are feeling throughout the process. When teens see that they can work as a team to overcome obstacles, they realize that their skills with empathy can be used to build upon other relationships in their lives as well.