Alpine Academy is a unique therapeutic school that helps troubled teens get back on track. Being a parent or a teenager in the modern world is no easy task. It’s important for both parents and their children who are struggling to know that regardless of their current circumstances, there’s hope around the corner. Alpine Academy hears complaints from parents routinely that they wish they noticed the warning signs of trouble earlier. Today, Alpine Academy will look at some different things parents and loved ones can look out for to see if their teen may be a candidate for help from Alpine Academy in Utah.
There is a delicate balance between typical teen behavior and damaging teen behavior. For instance, as teens grow into adulthood, they are going to naturally be on a bit of an emotional roller coaster. Just like anyone else, they will have good days and bad days and experience swings in their moods. Small tweaks to appearance or a slight increase in push back to authority figures are common teen behaviors that can be addressed and moved on from rather easily.
Red flags appear when rather drastic changes in behavior are made. Teens who switch to an entirely different peer group who are having a negative influence on their behavior are on a dangerous path. Weight fluctuation in teens is normal, but if a teen either puts on an excessive amount of weight or loses an excessive amount of weight, there could be a much more serious problem afoot. Parents and loved ones must also stay on the lookout for an increase in secretive behavior or lying. Trust is everything in any relationship and teens must be held accountable for their words.
Other common warning signs of a troubled teen include:
- Excessively Sleeping
- Addiction to Technology
- Plummeting Grades in School
- Sexual Promiscuity
- Disregard for Personal Hygiene
- Skipping School
- Bullying
All of these warning signs are acts of desperation from a teen. Whether or not they are consciously acting out as a means of asking for help, it’s what these behavioral issues represent. All warning signs listed above are also indicators of potential mental health issues like anxiety and depression. The sooner parents can identify warning signs, the sooner they can provide their teen with the special assistance they need. No warning signs are a life sentence. Alpine Academy in Utah has a track record of helping teens unlock their potential by finding healthier ways to cope and discovering healthy passions in life.